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Tips To Keep Your Feet Looking Great in Diabetes

Tips To Keep Your Feet Looking Great in Diabetes Diabetes is a disease, for example due to the fact that the body produces enough insulin or use insulin properly, it can not go. Many diabetics have problems when it comes to their feet. In this article I will discuss some ways that diabetics use to keep their feet to talk to look good. The body converts the food we eat into a form of sugar called glucose. Insulin is the hormone responsible for ensuring that the glucose to enter body cells, so it can be used for energy. When people with diabetes, their body can not produce enough insulin or can not use it properly. For this reason, over time, the structure of glucose in the body damage the blood vessels and nerves of the body. Damage to the nerves of people in a burning pain or numbness in part of the body. This is called diabetic neuropathy. One area in which this occurs is in the feet. Usually there is not enough of a blood supply in this region, which can...

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