Amma Massage

Amma Massage

There are a variety of styles of massage in the world. Some with the goal, just relax, others to heal your body itself. Amma Massage is an ancient form of deep tissue massage therapy has been improved for 5000 years. It affects your whole body, relax the muscles, joints and connective tissue to allow your body to function properly.

Is of Chinese origin, this technique of deep tissue therapy, pressure, friction and touch. The technology does not have fabric, but also the energy channels in the body. The nervous system, cardiovascular system and respiratory system are affected, making your body work more productively.

History of Amma

The book Nejjing Nuangdi of Chinese medicine is the first documented source for the Amma massage technique. The style is centered around several philosophies, particularly in terms of yin and yang and the five elements that directly affect the health of a person through the balance of these principles. It is believed that the balance helps to eliminate the disease.

Technology dominates

The technology itself uses a variety of punches, vibration, and tissue manipulation in an attempt to stimulate circulation, including the nervous system, cardiovascular and spiritual energy (the energy in your body). The therapist will develop their own key to the passage of time, and is often the sensitivity to the needs of the patient to help an individual.
Many chiropractors and massage therapists combine Amma with modern techniques such as herbal medicine and chiropractic, to provide a positive experience.

Used in modern

Amma massage techniques are widely applicable. Many people who wanted to see a therapist or chiropractor for problems of Amma massage with probable chronic arthritis, diabetes (joints become stiff), chronic fatigue syndrome, neuromuscular problems, lymphatic problems (infections and allergies) , respiratory diseases, and shot, tight muscles.
These conditions are usually just as physical thought, but the Spirit itself is an integral part of your body works. AMMA technique itself depends on both your body and mind, while the problems in treating you to achieve a balance in themselves. Massage treats the patient physically, mentally and spiritually, to help you better understand their bodies and their inner life. Feelings of anxiety, stress and even isolation are emotional states that can negatively affect your body. Amma massage to relax, not only the body but the mind as well, causing the patient’s awareness to cope with future emotions.

This is for all

This part is an overall very good massage for each person in. This is not just for patients, or those complaints is below each. The problems people experience daily, and not always deal with them so they store in the body, where they can cause damage to the interior. Amma massage is more than just help physical problems, it helps us to deal with internal problems. Experience enables you to improve the level of self-awareness and a greater sense of the only thing you can do to help them develop. This is not only physical health – it’s well-being balanced.


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