Depression Disturbing Your Sleep

Depression Disturbing Your Sleep

Sleep disorders are common. They are caused by stress, illness can be caused by shift work snoring, and even a parent of young children. Some medications, foods and beverages such as caffeine and alcohol can also affect sleep patterns.
People with depression can include difficulty falling asleep falling asleep, probably because of the negative thoughts on a spin in their heads, frequent waking during the night or waking up too early and not in a position again.
People with depression may only after a reasonable night’s sleep feeling exhausted even his awakening. Some people suffer from depression sleep too much, although this is not it relies less tired.
Lack of sleep leads to inefficiency of the next day. Also, sleep is when your body recharges. Hardware repairs take place to help the body to work at optimum efficiency.
During sleep, people make natural transitions through the various stages, such as light sleep, deep sleep and rapid eye movement sleep (REM). This is when people dream, what is important to bring the experiences and memories in order.
Sleep patterns of people with depression are very different. They usually take more time to sleep, there is little or no REM sleep and occur much earlier.
In addition, they have often woken in the night wake up earlier than usual and left very tired, but not fall asleep again.
What can help?
Drugs such as temazepam and diazepam can help with insomnia, but the body is accustomed to the fact that a higher dose to allow them to be effective, and they’re hooked.
Fortunately, there are natural alternatives that a person with depression, can help improve their sleep habits.
First, establish a sleep routine. Go to bed at the same time every night and out of bed at the same time every morning to resist, and a nap, but do not go to bed early in this case, you leave negative thoughts are.
Exercise during the day. The tires the body, making it easier to sleep. However, within two hours after your usual bedtime exercise. Physical activity activates the body by endorphins, so that sleeping more difficult.
Avoid drinking caffeine in the evening, it is a stimulant and stay asleep. Milky tea and hot drinks are a better option.
Avoid alcohol as well, because even if it has a calming effect they cause insomnia.
Avoid violent or horror films in the night, it can be challenging, which makes it difficult for the mind to relax and rest.
Your bed should be comfortable and to encourage the mind to associate sleep with your bedroom to avoid that a TV or radio and are not working or playing on your computer in the room.
Some people find reading in bed, relax, others find it too difficult. If you want to read in bed, reading material easily enough.
Keep a diary of sleep, and if you do not go to sleep or find themselves waking up at night, write down the thoughts that disturb your sleep and how you think you can solve any problem.
It is also important to say that the case is under control and think about it now will not help. Any new concerns can be written to the log and processed in the morning. Accept that you can not change a worrying situation in the middle of the night.
If you can not sleep, get out of bed, leave the room to make you drink milk, or try relaxation techniques, taking you listen to relaxing music, a hot bath. Not only rolled over in bed to stay.
Instead of dwelling on negative thoughts and feelings, try to visualize a pleasant scene, for example, a happy memory from your childhood or a favorite place you want to visit.


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